
Generous words from the author of one of the most important blogs on Hermits: http://www.hermitary.com/ He offers material on the whole eremitical tradition, whereas mine – https://citydesert.wordpress.com/ – is restricted (more or less) to Orthodox Christianity.

“Hello, Fr. Gregory.
Thank you for your kind words about Hermitary in a recent entry of Citydesert. Your site is one of my favorites, and I am always impressed by your prolific output, with its consistently excellent quality and always worthwhile content.
Best wishes,

Do look at Hermitary – http://www.hermitary.com/ – on a regular basis! It reminds us that the eremitical traditional is universal. It is deeply humbling and greatly awe-inspiring to be reminded that those of us who seek to follow the path of the Hermit follow in the footsteps (if, alas, we cannot claim to walk in the shoes) of a vast lineage of men and women from all religious and cultural tradition (and none), in every age and in every place and in every culture.

This tiny, insignificant me, sitting here and writing in Sydney (Australia), is part of a vast, forgotten, unremembered, hidden, concealed, denied, suppressed, repressed lineage of those whose names are not remembered, were never known, or have been denied…..great and holy women and men who will never be part of any history because they chose to write themselves out of any history!
the hermit
Lord, in Thy mercy remember:
the women and men who lived in the deserts of the earth;
whose names were known unto Thee alone;
whose labours of faith were known only to Thee;
who were forgotten by the world because they did not serve the world;
who lived and died unto Thee alone;
and grant that we, who though unworthy, seek to emulate them,
may also serve Thee all the days of our lives
in silence, and solitude and invisibility,
known only to Thee,
caring only for Thee,
and committed only to Thy will.

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